
广东省佛山市南海区  未选择企业规模


    爵冠公司位于珠江三角洲心脏地带,离广州机场紧二十分钟车程,欢迎光临指导洽谈,详情请电:0757-85688800 85688210

    Founded in 1996 Jueguan Dental laboratory LTD. has been recognized as a leading dental Lab in "China",with her 200’s well educated,expenineced technicians constant quality product,with maximum 2 years grurrantee,and can easily produce 5000 pieces per week on time .We apecialige in fix,movable,esthetic,precision,attachment dental appliances with favorable price.

Jueguan Dental Lab. LTD. Is located in the centen of preal river delta,just 20minutes from GuangZhou airport,please com and visit us ,or calls for detail and “you are wellcom.”

TEl:0757-85688800 85688210

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地    址:广东佛山市南海区里水镇爵冠义齿有限公司
电    话:0757-85688800 856882
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