
  • 职业类别: 其他职位
  • 职位类别: 销售人员
  • 工作地点: 上海市
  • 工作性质:
  • 月薪范围: 面议
  • 招聘人数: 2 人
  • 学历要求: 大专
  • 工作经验: 未填写
  • 职称要求: 其他



Sales Manager (report to Sales Director):
销售经理 (向销售总监汇报)

Job Description 职位描述:
- set sales programs, sales target and sales strategy
- 制定销售规划、 销售目标以及销售战略
- establish sales training for sales representative
- 为销售代表提供销售培训
- advise sales representative to improve sales performance
- 为销售代表提高销售业绩给与指导
- take care of all sales activities
- 处理其他相关的销售任务

Requirements 要求:
- university degree or above
- 大专学历以上
- with a minimum of 1-3 years sales experience in the dental field or with a university degree in dentistry
- 在相关区域内有一 - 三年的牙科行业销售经验 或 口腔专业毕业
- frequent travelling
- 能适应经常出差
- good communication and management skills
- 具有良好的沟通和管理能力
- basic English knowledge
- 懂英语

Sales Representative (report to Sales Manager):
销售代表 (向销售经理汇报)

Job Description 职位描述:
- present and sell different product lines to current and potential customers
- 向现有及潜在客户展示和销售公司的所有产品线
- establish and maintain good relationship with dealers and customers
- 建立、 维护与经销商和客户的良好关系
- prepare action plan and schedule to identify sales target
- 为实现销售目标,制定行动计划和工作日程
- prepare the paperwork to activitate and maintain contract service
- 为制定和维护销售合同提供有关的文本工作
- other all sales activities
- 其它相关的销售任务

Requirements 要求:
- university degree
- 大专学历
- with a minimum of 1-3 years sales experience in the dental field or with a university degree in dentistry
- 在相关区域内有一 - 三年的牙科行业销售经验 或 口腔专业毕业
- frequent travelling
- 能适应经常出差
- good communication skills
- 具有良好的沟通能力
- English is a plus
- 懂英语者佳



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