
上海市上海市静安区  20人以下

       以此为目标,汤米-马牙科博士和他的团队以经过临床试验的最高质量的材料和当前的尖端牙科技术,为您提供顶尖的服务。马博士毕业于美国密西西比大学医学院,在美国亚特兰大创立了自己的齿科诊所,为当地客户提供优质的服务并积累了多年的牙科经验。马博士和他的团队深信,无论身处何地,每个人都值得拥有一个漂亮、健康的笑容。现在,马博士来到了上海,为您带来了最新的牙科技术,以让您的笑容更加美丽自信。除了传统的治疗方法,比如烤瓷,贴面,激光美白,种植,铸造冠修复,矫正,复合树脂补牙等,君笑齿科还能为您提供当前最新的牙科美容治疗技术,包括无磨除贴面, 以及隐形矫正。
 和国内大多数的齿科治疗不同,我们会针对您的要求进行详尽全面的牙科检查和评估。之后,根据检查数据和结果,马博士和他的专家组(牙周专家,牙髓专家,口腔外科专家,正畸专家)将讨论和制订出最适合您的牙科美容治疗方案,打造您最美丽的笑容。 完美笑容,从“齿”开始!
    Jsmiles is a specialized cosmetic dental clinic located at Westgate Plaza operated by American dentists. We strive to provide you the most current dental technology and the highest standard of dental care in the world. Our goal is to design and provide all of our clients a confident, healthy and beautiful new smile.
    To accomplish this, Dr. Tommy Ma and his team utilize only the highest quality materials and the latest technology available in a relaxing environment. Dr. Ma is an experienced American dentist who has been delivering high quality services to his patients in Atlanta, Georgia since 2004. Dr. Ma and his team believe that anyone who wants a beautiful, healthy smile should be able to get one no matter where they live. That is why Dr. Ma is bringing state-of-the-art dental technology and the latest in smile enhancement options to you in Shanghai. Other than traditional procedures and products such as Crowns ,In-office Chair-side whitening, Implants, Orthodontics , Dr. Ma is also trained in popular American cosmetic procedures like No-reduction veneers, Removable smile appliances.Different from most dental clinics in China, Jsmiles will perform the most complete and thorough comprehensive examination before performing any dental procedure.  This examination will insure your safety and give you a better outcome.After listening to the patients’ concerns, Dr. Ma and his team of specialists (periodontist, endodontist, oral surgeon, orthodontist) will gather to discuss and devise the proper treatment plan, and choose from a variety of procedures to deliver the best and most beautiful results for you. Whatever your needs may be; general, restorative, or cosmetic, Jsmiles is ready to provide a dental plan specifically customized for your needs.
     Your Jubilant Smile Starts at Jsmiles!

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地    址:上海君笑口腔门诊部
邮    箱:jsmilesdental@gmail.com


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